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World Health Initiatives
Medical Clinic

Field Medical Teams

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WHI Field Medical Teams (FMTs) will visit our WHI villages once a quarter to ensure every single child and adult there gets a basic medical check-up and any medications they may need. 


WHI FMT battalion of doctors and nurses also work with local doctors to create proper medical records for each individual. The teams work in tandemwith  local communities to build small  medical traige clinics and ensure it is stocked with the correct medical supplies needed for a more sustainable way of life.



The Andes, the world’s highest mountain range outside of Asia, suffers greatly from this issue. It is filled with villagers who have zero access to clean drinking water. People of all ages in the region, both adults and children, suffer from that lack of access. 


Dehydration is a severe problem, one that can hurt kidney function, cause muscle damage, constipation, acid reflux, and eventually death.


Dirty water may hinder the worries of death, but the symptoms it causes those who drink it can be far worse than the ones listed above. In the Andes, the thousands without clean water suffer from a variety of illnesses, including:

Upper GI Issues

The upper GI refers to the throat, esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Symptoms of upper GI issues include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. The symptoms themselves may take 1-2 days to develop. With the proper technology to monitor water quality, this delay of sickness can make it easier for people in the Andes to avoid contact with contaminated water and these dangerous symptoms.


Anemia is when a person cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and loss of standard color in the skin, lips, tongue, and eyes. Average recovery can take months.


Parasites are living creatures that enter the body through various ways (in this case, dirty water) and feed off the “host” to survive. As a result, the “host” body can experience diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and loss of appetite. To make matters worse, these symptoms can last for weeks on end.

Dengue Fever

A disease spread from infected mosquitos, whose conditions are optimal for breeding in areas with dirty water. Symptoms include loss of appetite, persistent vomiting, high fever, headache, difficulty breathing, and abdominal pain. In a worst-case scenario, people suffering from this may experience shock and circulatory failure.

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Clean water is both a necessity for survival and a basic human right. Yet many people worldwide do not have access to it, so World Health Initiatives is working with global water partners to bring clean water to these communities via filtration systems and basic water filters. WHI is also pledging to raise more money to help support the building of smaller water systems in the area and deliver individual water filters to each needy family. 

United Nations reports reveal that 40% of rural communities worldwide lack access to clean water with particularly stark disparities evident in South American countries like Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.

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The WHI Medical Clinic, which allows us to provide citizens from all three of our active villages with much-needed checkups and medical care, costs approximately $10,000- $15,000 to build. This is a one-time expense that can provide these communities with an opportunity to receive the quality of life they deserve. To ensure this facility is built as soon as possible, WHI has pledged to match every donation put towards this project.


Once built, the clinic will require $2,000 a month to maintain and run. Specifically, costs will be allocated to acquiring medical supplies and paying the wages of the doctors, nurses, and our FMTs so that they can continue their monthly visits.

World Health Initiatives understands that any charitable organization is only as impactful as its ability to stretch a dollar. That is why we aim for maximum transparency with you and all other potential donors so that everyone can understand exactly where their dollar is going.


The water filtration systems we’re building through our partnership cost approximately $7,000-$9,000 to build. Once built, these systems can last community years of clean and safe drinking water, keeping and aiding citizens with hydration benefits while eliminating the numerous issues experienced by contaminated and bad water. As we continue to receive donations, we plan to install these systems in every community we work with.

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